YUAN Yang,ZHANG Heng,CHENG Haozhong,LIU Lu,ZHANG Xiaohu,LI Gang,ZHANG Jianping.Review and prospect of robust optimization and planning research on generation and transmission system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(1):
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袁杨1, 张衡1, 程浩忠1, 柳璐1, 张啸虎2, 励刚2, 张建平2
1.上海交通大学 电力传输与功率变换控制教育部重点实验室,上海 200240;2.国家电网有限公司华东分部,上海 200120
关键词:  发输电系统  优化规划  不确定性  鲁棒优化  分布鲁棒优化
Review and prospect of robust optimization and planning research on generation and transmission system
YUAN Yang1, ZHANG Heng1, CHENG Haozhong1, LIU Lu1, ZHANG Xiaohu2, LI Gang2, ZHANG Jianping2
1.Key Laboratory Control of Power Transmission and Conversion, Ministry of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;2.East China Branch of State Grid Corporation of China, Shanghai 200120, China
With the uncertainty of power system increasing gradually, the application of robust optimization and planning research on generation and transmission system to resist the uncertainty of extremely scenes has become a significant research method. Firstly, the robust optimization is divided into classical robust optimization and distributionally robust optimization from the perspective of whether the probability distribution characteristics of uncertain factors are considered, the mathematical models and uncertain set characteristics of these two kinds of robust optimization are sorted out. Secondly, the existing classical robust optimization and distributionally robust optimization research on generation and transmission system are divided into three aspects: considering the uncertainty of node injection power, considering the uncertainty of power capacity growth and cost, and considering the uncertainty of transmission network state, and the research framework and limitations of robust optimization planning research on generation and transmission system are refined. Finally, the problems worthy of further study in robust optimization planning on power generation and transmission system are prospected, which provides ideas and directions for the robust optimization planning follow-up research on power generation and transmission system.
Key words:  generation and transmission system  optimization and planning  uncertainty  robust optimization  distributionally robust optimization

