LU Yao,HU Jian,ZHANG Xiaojie,JIAO Ticao,YU Di,WANG Yunpeng,LIU Shangqi.Credit incentives of distributed power transaction based on DPoA consensus mechanism[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(1):
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路尧1, 胡健1, 张晓杰2, 焦提操1, 于娣1, 王云鹏1, 刘尚奇1
1.山东理工大学 电气与电子工程学院,山东 淄博 255000;2.山东理工大学 经济学院,山东 淄博 255000
关键词:  分布式能源  电力交易  联盟链  DPoA共识机制  信用管理
Credit incentives of distributed power transaction based on DPoA consensus mechanism
LU Yao1, HU Jian1, ZHANG Xiaojie2, JIAO Ticao1, YU Di1, WANG Yunpeng1, LIU Shangqi1
1.College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255000, China;2.School of Economics, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255000, China
The smaller generating capacity makes the distributed energy unsuitable for participating in traditional power trading, and the output uncertainty often leads to transaction defaults. Based on the consortium blockchain, a community-based electricity transaction platform, which is suitable for P2P(Peer-to-Peer) transactions of distributed sources and loads, is developed, and the DPoA(Delegated Proof of Authority) consensus mechanism is proposed for credit evaluation and incentive of blockchain nodes. The fulfillment function and verification reward function are constructed to quantitatively evaluate the performance and the verification of the transaction, and the function values can be used to establish an incentive mechanism by credit reward or credit punishment. The analysis of the electricity transaction process involving ten distributed source and load nodes shows that the community-based electricity transaction platform based on blockchain technology can promote the consumption of distributed clean energy, and the incentive mechanism based on DPoA can encourage the nodes of the electricity transaction platform to improve the credit initiatively.
Key words:  distributed energy  power transaction  consortium blockchain  DPoA consensus mechanism  credit management

