引用本文:解 大,乔歆慧,张延迟.Z源变流器的谐波抑制及稳压控制[J].电力自动化设备,2011,31(7):
XIE Da,QIAO Xinhui,ZHANG Yanchi.Harmonic elimination and voltage stabilization of Z-source converter[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2011,31(7):
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解 大1, 乔歆慧1, 张延迟2,3
1.上海交通大学 电气工程系,上海 200240;2.华东理工大学 自动化系,上海 200237;3.上海电机学院 电气工程系,上海 200240
关键词:  变流器  Z源  电路拓扑  谐波分析  电压稳定  电压控制
Harmonic elimination and voltage stabilization of Z-source converter
XIE Da1, QIAO Xinhui1, ZHANG Yanchi2,3
1.Department of Electrical Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China;2.Department of Automation,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai 200237,China;3.Department of Electrical Engineering,Shanghai Dianji University,Shanghai 200240,China
An algorithm of harmonic elimination and voltage stabilization is proposed for Z-source AC/AC converter to ensure its stable power supply. A switching modulation function with varying duty factor is generated based on the difference between fundamental input voltage and whole input voltage. The output switching duty factor of converter is regulated by open-loop control in real time,which suppresses the low-order harmonics of AC input voltage more effectively than the constant duty cycle control. As the harmonic components are not calculated separately,the control scheme is thus simplified and the controller bandwidth relieved. The output voltage of converter is stabilized at the reference value by PI close-loop control. The operation principles of the converter and the realization of the proposed algorithm are discussed. Simulative results show its excellent performance in harmonic suppression and voltage stabilization.
Key words:  electric converters  Z-source  electric network topology  harmonic analysis  voltage stability  voltage control

