引用本文:陈晓龙,李永丽,赵曼勇,文 安,魏承志,黄维芳.计及配电网电流保护整定原则的逆变型分布式电源准入容量计算[J].电力自动化设备,2016,36(6):
CHEN Xiaolong,LI Yongli,ZHAO Manyong,WEN An,WEI Chengzhi,HUANG Weifang.IBDG penetration level calculation considering current protection setting principle for distribution network[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2016,36(6):
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陈晓龙1, 李永丽1, 赵曼勇2, 文 安2, 魏承志2, 黄维芳2
1.天津大学 智能电网教育部重点实验室,天津 300072;2.南方电网电力调度控制中心,广东 广州 510623
为评估逆变型分布式电源(IBDG)接入对配电网原有保护的影响并配置适合的保护方案,提出了一种计及配电网原有三段式电流保护整定原则的IBDG准入容量计算方法。不断假设、校验和修正IBDG的运行状态,选择使得校验结果和假设吻合的短路电流计算公式,并最终计算得到满足保护选择性和灵敏性要求的IBDG准入容量。对含IBDG的10 kV配电网进行IBDG准入容量计算和仿真验证,结果验证了所提方法的有效性。
关键词:  逆变型分布式电源  准入容量  配电网  电流保护  整定  分布式电源
IBDG penetration level calculation considering current protection setting principle for distribution network
CHEN Xiaolong1, LI Yongli1, ZHAO Manyong2, WEN An2, WEI Chengzhi2, HUANG Weifang2
1.Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;2.Dispatching Center of China Southern Power Grid,Guangdong 510623,China
In order to evaluate the impact of IBDG(Inverter-Based Distributed Generation) integration on the existing protections of distribution network and configure a proper protection scheme,a method of IBDG penetration level calculation considering the setting principle of 3-zone current protection for the distribution network is proposed. The operating status of IBDG is unceasingly assumed,verified and corrected until the verification result conforms to the assumption,the formula of short circuit current calculation is thus selected and the IBDG penetration level obtained,which meets the requirements of protection for both selectivity and sensitivity. The IBDG penetration level of a 10 kV distribution network is calculated and verified by simulation and the simulative results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Key words:  inverter-based distributed generation  penetration level  distribution network  current protection  setting  distributed power generation

