CHENG Qiming,CHEN Lu,CHENG Yinman,ZHANG Qiang,GAO Jie.Short-term wind power forecasting method based on EEMD and LS-SVM model[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2018,(5):
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程启明1, 陈路1, 程尹曼2, 张强1, 高杰1
1.上海电力学院 自动化工程学院 上海市电站自动化技术重点实验室,上海 200090;2.上海电力公司 市北供电分公司,上海 200041
关键词:  微电网  功率预测  风电场  模态分解  支持向量机  相空间重构  果蝇优化算法
Short-term wind power forecasting method based on EEMD and LS-SVM model
CHENG Qiming1, CHEN Lu1, CHENG Yinman2, ZHANG Qiang1, GAO Jie1
1.Shanghai Key Laboratory Power Station Automation Technology Laboratory, College of Automation Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China;2.North Power Supply Branch, Shanghai Electric Power Company, Shanghai 200041, China
Since the intermittent fluctuation characteristics of original wind speed signal have brought challenges to wind power forecasting, the EEMD(Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition) method is adopted to decompose the wind speed signal into stable sub-sequence signals on the frequency domain, which effectively improves the forecasting accuracy and avoids the modal aliasing phenomenon of the traditional EMD(Empirical Mode Decomposition) method. An improved FOA(Fruit fly Optimization Algorithm) is proposed, which takes the parameters of wind speed sub-sequence reconstruction and LS-SVM(Least Squares Support Vector Machine) as the optimal objective to establish the wind speed forecasting model, expanding the search range of the parameters and improving the convergence speed. The wind power can be obtained according to the transformation relationship between wind speed and wind power. Experimental results show that the proposed method has higher forecasting accuracy than the EMD or LS-SVM method.
Key words:  microgrid  power forecasting  wind farms  mode decomposition  support vector machines  phase space reconstruction  fruit fly optimization algorithm

