HE Zhongxiao,XU Chengsi,LIU Yuquan,HUA Huangsheng,DONG Shufeng.Industrial park IDR model considering multi-energy cooperation[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2017,37(6):
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何仲潇1, 徐成司1, 刘育权2, 华煌圣2, 董树锋1
1.浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027;2.广州供电局有限公司,广东 广州 510620
关键词:  综合需求侧响应  工业园区  多能协同  经济调度  模型
Industrial park IDR model considering multi-energy cooperation
HE Zhongxiao1, XU Chengsi1, LIU Yuquan2, HUA Huangsheng2, DONG Shufeng1
1.College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;2.Guangzhou Power Supply Co. Ltd.,Guangzhou 510620, China
In the background of energy internet, the decentralized energy market and the energy network structure make traditional DR(Demand Response) gradually develop towards IDR(Integrated Demand Response). As the expansion of DR in energy internet, IDR is an important entry of users for their participating in the system dispatch, transmiting the price signals of energy market and participating in the energy market. An industrial park IDR model is proposed, which considers various distributed energy sources, such as photovoltaic power, battery storage, ice storage, water storage, and so on. The physical and mathematical IDR models of industrial park energy system are established and transformed into a mixed integer linear programming, which is solved by the branch and bound method. Simulative results show that, owing to the IDR model optimization, multi-energy cooperation and reasonable user comprehensive energy utilization scheme, the user-side energy consumption efficiency is improved and the user’s energy consumption cost is reduced; the proposed model brings benefits to industrial park in the aspects of economy, flexibility and system operation.
Key words:  IDR  industrial park  multi-energy cooperation  economic dispatch  models

