LI Yang,CAI Zhiyuan,LIU Haitao,SU Jian,LI Rui.Management and control system of wide-area distributed generation[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2018,(3):
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李洋1, 蔡志远1, 刘海涛2, 苏剑2, 李蕊2
1.沈阳工业大学 电气工程学院,辽宁 沈阳 110870;2.中国电力科学研究院,北京 100192
关键词:  分布式电源  运营管控系统  架构设计  大数据  景气指数
Management and control system of wide-area distributed generation
LI Yang1, CAI Zhiyuan1, LIU Haitao2, SU Jian2, LI Rui2
1.College of Electrical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870, China;2.China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100192, China
The integration of large scale distributed generation will bring danger to the safe and stable operation of distribution network and great challenge to the operation and management of wide-area distributed generation. Since the integration of wide range distributed generation will bring mass heterogeneous and polymorphic data, aiming at the application of wide range, large scale and high density distributed generation, the logical relation and usage value of various data in the distributed generation operation and management system are analyzed, and the business architecture, application architecture, data architecture, technical architecture and physical structure of the system are designed. Based on the system, the analysis and application of big data mining for wide-area distributed generation are carried out. The prosperity of wide-area distributed generation is evaluated from five aspects, i. e. technology index, motivation policy, market demand, cost and benefit, and policy environment. The prosperity of distributed generation is qualitatively and quantitatively justified and forecasted by the combination of set-valued statistics and synthetic index, which realizes the pre-judgment of future development trend and provides the overall technical solution scheme for management and control of large scale distributed generation.
Key words:  distributed power generation  management and control system  architecture design  big data  prosperity index

