WANG Zezhong,SI Yuan,LIU Lianguang,ZHANG Caiyou,YAO Hui,CHEN Shuiyao.Calculation method of power grid GIC based on apparent resistivity data[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2021,41(3):
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王泽忠1, 司远1, 刘连光2, 张彩友3, 姚辉3, 陈水耀3
1.华北电力大学 高电压与电磁兼容北京重点实验室,北京 102206;2.华北电力大学 新能源电力系统国家重点实验室,北京 102206;3.国网浙江省电力有限公司检修分公司,浙江 杭州 310000
关键词:  视电阻率  GMD  地电场  变异函数  地磁感应电流
Calculation method of power grid GIC based on apparent resistivity data
WANG Zezhong1, SI Yuan1, LIU Lianguang2, ZHANG Caiyou3, YAO Hui3, CHEN Shuiyao3
1.Beijing Key Laboratory of High Voltage and EMC, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China;3.Maintenance Branch of State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310000, China
Rapid and accurate calculation of GIC(Geomagnectically Induced Current) is the basis of using power grid scheduling to prevent GMD(GeoMagnetic Disturbance) disaster. The geoelectric structure model-based GMD geoelectric field calculation method using finite element has the disadvantages of extensive workload and time-consuming, which cannot meet the requirements of disaster prevention. The transmission line is treated with micro elements, the apparent resistivity is estimated by using variation function and sliding weighted average method, and the GMD geoelectric field of micro element is calculated directly by combining the measured data of geomagnetic field at geomagnetic platform. Simulative results show that, compared with the method based on the establishment of large-range earth electrical conductivity model and finite element calculation, the proposed method can omit the complex modeling process of earth, improve the calculation accuracy, shorten the calculation time, and provide a basic algorithm for power grid dispatching to prevent GMD disasters.
Key words:  apparent resistivity  GMD  geoelectric field  variation function  geomagnetically induced current

