LIU Shuo,SU Jianhui,ZHANG Jian,XU Haibo.Design method of resonant network for double-sided LCC compensated wireless power transfer converter[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(6):
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刘硕1, 苏建徽1, 张健1, 徐海波2
1.合肥工业大学 光伏系统教育部工程研究中心,安徽 合肥 230009;2.东莞南方半导体科技有限公司,广东 东莞 523000
针对双边LCC补偿方式的无线电能传输变换器,提出了一种谐振网络设计方法:基于抑制谐波电流、压缩磁元件体积以及在最大传输距离与最大横向偏移状态传输功率可接近额定功率的考虑,依据额定传输功率、开关频率等约束条件,确定谐振网络全部元件(包括松耦合变压器)的电参数。在此基础上提出了一种相应的带磁芯平面螺旋线圈松耦合变压器尺寸设计方案:依据松耦合变压器处于最大传输距离、最大横向偏移状态时的互感值,从理论上估算出其尺寸范围,再以少量有限元仿真搜索到其最佳尺寸。设计并制作了一台额定输出功率为4.5 kW的样机,验证了所提设计方法的正确性。
关键词:  无线电能传输  双边LCC补偿  变换器  松耦合变压器  谐振网络  互感  谐波
Design method of resonant network for double-sided LCC compensated wireless power transfer converter
LIU Shuo1, SU Jianhui1, ZHANG Jian1, XU Haibo2
1.Photovoltaic System Research Center of Ministry of Education, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China;2.Dongguan Southern Semiconductor Technology Co.,Ltd.,Dongguan 523000, China
A resonant network design method is proposed for double-sided LCC compensated WPT(Wireless Power Transfer) converters. On the basis of suppressing the harmonic current, reducing the volume of magnetic components, and almost transferring the rated power under maximum distance and maximum lateral misalignment, the electrical parameters of all components in the resonant network, including LCT(Loosely Coupled Transformer),can be determined, according to the constraints of the rated power and switching frequency. A corresponding size design method for LCT with circular planar spiral coils and ferrite cores is proposed. The range of LCT size can be theoretically estimated based on the mutual inductance under maxi-mum distance and maximum lateral misalignment, and then the optimal size of LCT is searched with a small amount of finite element simulation. A prototype with the rated output power of 4.5 kW is designed and constructed, and the experimental results verify the correctness of the proposed method.
Key words:  wireless power transfer  double-sided LCC compensation  electric converters  loosely coupled transformer  resonant network  mutual inductance  harmonic

