NIU Jingkai,WU Xuezhi,ZHAO Yuming,JING Long,TONG Yibin,XIN Xiaomin.Parameter design method of LLC resonant converter based on simplified time-domain equations[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(6):
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牛靖凯1, 吴学智1, 赵宇明2, 荆龙1, 童亦斌1, 辛晓敏1
1.北京交通大学 电气工程学院,北京 100044;2.深圳供电局有限公司,广东 深圳 518020
关键词:  LLC谐振变换器  谐振参数  简化时域方程  谐振电容电压峰值  参数设计
基金项目:中国南方电网有限责任公司科技项目 (090000KK52180116)
Parameter design method of LLC resonant converter based on simplified time-domain equations
NIU Jingkai1, WU Xuezhi1, ZHAO Yuming2, JING Long1, TONG Yibin1, XIN Xiaomin1
1.School of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China;2.Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518020, China
The parameters of resonant elements in LLC resonant converter are the main factors affecting the gain, loss, volume of the converter, etc. However, most of the optimal design methods for resonant parameters have some shortcomings, such as low precision and complex algorithm. Based on the simplified time-domain equations, the operating conditions of switching frequency less than resonant frequency with heavy load are analyzed, and it is pointed out that the main factor affecting the gain is the inductance coefficient. At the same time, taking the resonant impedance as the key variable, the soft switching process and the peak voltage of the resonant capacitor are analyzed in time domain, and the relevant constraints are given. On the basis of the above analysis, an accurate, simple and fast design method to obtain the optimal value of resonance parameters is proposed. Finally, the proposed design method is verified by simulation and experiment.
Key words:  LLC resonant converter  resonant parameter  simplified time-domain equations  peak voltage of resonant capacitor  parameter design

