YANG Jinming,DENG Ziying,SUN Jieshan.Coil switching method for dynamic wireless power transfer system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(11):
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杨金明, 邓梓颖, 孙杰杉
华南理工大学 电力学院,广东 广州 510640
关键词:  动态无线电能传输  发射阵列  接收线圈  切换方法  偏移容忍度
Coil switching method for dynamic wireless power transfer system
YANG Jinming, DENG Ziying, SUN Jieshan
College of Electric Power, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
Array dynamic wireless power transfer system is proposed because of its advantages of lower operating loss and magnetic flux leakage and better flexibility, and its operation characteristics depend on the structures of transmitting array and receiving coil. A coil switching method based on LCC-S compensation topology is proposed to reduce the mutual inductance drop and minimize its mutation at switching moments so that the misalignment tolerance of the system can be improved. Meanwhile, the performances of single-layered and double-layered transmitting array systems after applying the proposed switching method are compared. Simulative results show that although the switching control of double-layered transmitting array system is more complex, its output power drop is smaller and the misalignment tolerance is higher when there is misalignment between transmitting and receiving coils. Experimental results verify that the proposed coil switching method is effective and feasible in practice.
Key words:  dynamic wireless power transfer  transmitting array  receiving coil  switching method  misalignment tolerance

