QIAO Jian,YIN Xianggen,WANG Yikai,TAN Liming,XU Wen,LI Wei.Slot potential based stator grounding fault location method for large generator[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(11):
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乔健1, 尹项根1, 王义凯1, 谭力铭1, 徐雯1, 李伟2
1.华中科技大学 强电磁工程与新技术国家重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430074;2.国网新源控股有限公司抽水蓄能技术经济研究院,北京 100053
关键词:  大型发电机  定子接地故障  绕组电势分布  故障定位
Slot potential based stator grounding fault location method for large generator
QIAO Jian1, YIN Xianggen1, WANG Yikai1, TAN Liming1, XU Wen1, LI Wei2
1.State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China;2.Pumped-Storage Technological & Economic Research Institute of State Grid Xinyuan Company Ltd.,Beijing 100053, China
The current stator grounding fault location methods for large generators often take the coil potential as the analysis unit, and there are theoretical errors for the short-distance winding generators. Therefore, a slot potential based stator grounding fault location method for large generator is proposed. Firstly, based on the winding connection sequence, the analytical expression of stator winding potential distribution is established with slot potential as unit. Then, different fault location schemes are adopted for whether the generator is equipped with injection stator grounding protection. If the injection stator grounding protection is equipped, the fault evaluation index is constructed based on the measured transition resistance of the injection equipment. If the injection stator grounding protection is not equipped, the third harmonic measurement value is used to construct the fault evaluation index without transition resistance. Finally, multiple virtual reference points are artificially set in the fault phase. Combined with the winding potential distribution, the fault evaluation index of each virtual reference point is calculated. The virtual reference point with the smallest calculation value is regarded as the fault location, and the slot number of the fault is determined. A quasi distributed parameter simulation model is built in PSCAD to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Key words:  large generator  stator grounding fault  winding potential distribution  electric fault location

