YIN Li,KONG Lingchang,WANG Guanhua,WANG Hua,LIANG Rui,PENG Nan.Permanent single-phase grounding fault location in flexible grounding distribution network based on negative-sequence voltage variation[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(1):
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尹力1, 孔令昌2, 王冠华2, 王华1, 梁睿2, 彭楠2
1.国网江苏省电力有限公司 连云港供电分公司,江苏 连云港 222004;2.中国矿业大学 电气工程学院,江苏 徐州 221116
关键词:  灵活接地配电网  负序电压变化量  修正投影比例系数  故障概率  故障定位
Permanent single-phase grounding fault location in flexible grounding distribution network based on negative-sequence voltage variation
YIN Li1, KONG Lingchang2, WANG Guanhua2, WANG Hua1, LIANG Rui2, PENG Nan2
1.Lianyungang Power Supply Branch, State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Lianyungang 222004, China;2.School of Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
Aiming at the flexible grounding distribution network, a permanent single-phase grounding fault location method in flexible grounding distribution network based on negative-sequence voltage variation is proposed. Firstly, the fault area is determined based on the change of negative-sequence voltage before and after the parallel small resistance is set. Secondly, the fault branch is determined according to the modified projection proportion coefficient of zero-sequence current to determine the fault section. Then, the fault probability is calculated by using the deviation between the measured value and the calculated value of negative-sequence voltage change, and the fault probability of each virtual node in the fault section is compared for accurate fault location. At the same time, an optimal layout scheme of measuring points suitable for the location method of this section is proposed. Finally, PSCAD is used to build a simulation model, and the simulation data analysis verifies the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed permanent single-phase grounding fault location method.
Key words:  flexible grounding distribution network  negative-sequence voltage variation  modified projection proportion coefficient  fault probability  electric fault location

