LI Bin,JIA Hanru,HE Jiawei,LI Qingquan,LI Ye,Lü Huijie.Improved topology of hybrid DC fault current limiter and its parameter design method[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(1):
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李斌, 贾涵茹, 何佳伟, 李清泉, 李晔, 吕慧婕
天津大学 智能电网教育部重点实验室,天津 300072
关键词:  柔性直流电网  故障限流  参数设计  故障穿越  稳定性
Improved topology of hybrid DC fault current limiter and its parameter design method
LI Bin, JIA Hanru, HE Jiawei, LI Qingquan, LI Ye, Lü Huijie
Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Fault current limiter can ensure the safety of equipment and reliable fault ride-through of flexible DC grid, which is one of the core technologies of flexible DC grid fault handling. A new type of hybrid DC fault current limiter based on inductor-resistor hybrid topology structure is proposed to eliminate the adverse effects on the transient response speed and operation stability of the system caused by traditional current limiting inductor, which can limit the fault current with the parallel connection of inductance and resistance after fault happened in system. Compared with the existing DC fault current limiter, the number of thyristors in the topology is reduced effectively in the proposed hybrid DC fault current. Consequently the construction cost is greatly reduced. Meanwhile, the small-signal model analysis shows that the adverse effects on the transient response and operation stability of the system caused by the current-limiting inductor can be eliminated effectively by the resistance connected in parallel at both ends of the inductor. Finally, a four-terminal ring-shaped flexible DC power grid is established on PSCAD/EMTDC simulation platform, which fully verifies that the operation stability of the system is improved effectively by the proposed method on the basis of guaranteeing the effect of current limiting.
Key words:  flexible DC grid  fault current limiting  parameter design  fault ride-through  stability

