YE Yuanmao,HUA Teke.Topology and modulation strategy of novel hybrid cascaded multi-level inverter[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(2):
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叶远茂, 华特科
广东工业大学 自动化学院,广东 广州 510006
关键词:  级联多电平逆变器  开关电容  混合调制  移相载波  电流倒灌
Topology and modulation strategy of novel hybrid cascaded multi-level inverter
YE Yuanmao, HUA Teke
School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
In order to solve the problems of current backflow in low-voltage unit and less output levels of the existing asymmetric cascaded multi-level inverter, a hybrid cascaded multi-level inverter based on switched-capacitor circuit is proposed. Firstly, a switched-capacitor circuit is embedded in the low-voltage unit of a two-unit asymmetric cascaded H-bridge type inverter, which effectively avoids the current backflow and increases the number of output levels. Then, in order to reduce the number of DC sources required when the proposed scheme is applied to three-phase system, a three-phase hybrid cascaded multi-level inverter topology is developed by using a three-level neutral point-clamped type or T-type inverter circuit as the high-voltage unit. Afterwards, in view of the proposed inverter topology characteristics, a hybrid modulation strategy containing phase-shifted carriers and level-shifted carriers is proposed. It effectively reduces the voltage ripple of the switched-capacitors and the switching frequency of switching devices as well as the switching stress while satisfying the inverter output of high-quality voltage waveforms of sinusoidal pulse width modulation. Finally, experiments verify the feasibility of the proposed cascaded multi-level inverter topology and the modulation strategy.
Key words:  cascaded multi-level inverter  switched-capacitor  hybrid modulation  phase-shifted carriers  current backflow

