ZHANG Zhongyi,JIN Tao,XIAO Xiaosen,DAI Xiangyang,WU Weixin.Novel bidirectional three-level double-current LCL-T resonant DC converter[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(2):
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张钟艺1,2, 金涛1,2, 肖晓森1, 戴向阳1, 吴维鑫1
1.福州大学 电气工程与自动化学院,福建 福州 350108;2.福州大学 福建省新能源发电与电能变换重点实验室,福建 福州 350108
关键词:  双向车载充电机  LCL-T谐振  变换器  三电平级联中性点箝位有源桥  准恒流输出  筛选算法
Novel bidirectional three-level double-current LCL-T resonant DC converter
ZHANG Zhongyi1,2, JIN Tao1,2, XIAO Xiaosen1, DAI Xiangyang1, WU Weixin1
1.College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China;2.Fujian Key Laboratory of New Energy Generation and Power Conversion, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China
For the popularization of constant-current charging methods for energy storage batteries, aiming at the problem that the conventional voltage source direct current(DC) converter hasn’t natural constant-current output in the bidirectional on-board charger, a novel bidirectional three-level double-current LCL-T resonant DC converter is proposed by combining the LCL-T resonance with the three-level cascaded neutral-point clamp active bridge. Due to the special pattern of cascading by the coupling transformers, each sub-arm of the active bridge can work independently or in parallel. Based on this, different modulation methods can be designed to control the input voltage of the resonant tank, and establish one-time and two-time quasi-constant-current(QCC) modes. Furthermore, the symmetrical design of the resonant tank parameters is used to achieve unified bidirectional power transmission characteristics, and a LCL-T resonant QCC output controlled by normalized frequency fn and quality factor Q is researched. Considering the reactive power control and realizing zero-voltage switching of switches, the filtering algorithm of output condition that satisfies the restricted given QCC output accuracy is designed. Finally, the simulation platform and experimental prototype are established to prove that the proposed converter can achieve the QCC output within a restricted given accuracy in each mode.
Key words:  bidirectional on-board charger  LCL-T resonance  electric converters  three-level cascaded neutral-point clamp active bridge  quasi-constant-current output  filtering algorithm

