LI Xue,YAO Chaofan,JIANG Tao,LI Huapeng,CHEN Houhe.Constant values and priori buses based holomorphic embedding load flow method[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(2):
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李雪1, 姚超凡1, 姜涛1, 李华鹏2, 陈厚合1
1.东北电力大学 现代电力系统仿真控制与绿色电能新技术教育部重点实验室,吉林 吉林 132012;2.东北电力大学 理学院,吉林 吉林 132012
关键词:  潮流  全纯嵌入法  常项值  先验节点  解析延拓
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(52077029, U2066208,52061635103)
Constant values and priori buses based holomorphic embedding load flow method
LI Xue1, YAO Chaofan1, JIANG Tao1, LI Huapeng2, CHEN Houhe1
1.Key Laboratory of Modern Power System Simulation and Control & Renewable Energy Technology, Ministry of Education, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China;2.School of Science, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China
When the load flow of large-scale power system is solved by the existing holomorphic embedding load flow method, the order of power series is too high, which easily causes divergence of analytic extension, poor convergence and high computational redundancy. A novel constant values and priori buses based holomorphic embedding load flow method is proposed. A constant values based holomorphic embedding load flow model is built, and the load flow convergence is improved by dynamically updating constant values. A pre-judgement mechanism of voltage amplitude of priori buses is proposed to improve the computational efficiency. Two bus-type conversion strategies are proposed. The proposed method is analyzed and verified by the test systems with different scales, and results show that the proposed method is independent on the initial value, can accurately and efficiently solve the load flow solution, and has better load flow convergence than Newton-Raphson method and traditional holomorphic embedding load flow method.
Key words:  load flow  holomorphic embedding method  constant value  priori bus  analytic continuation

