ZHANG Jingjing,LI Shuyang,QI Xianjun,YANG Xi.Dispatching strategy of aggregator considering fuzzy random uncertainty[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(6):
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张晶晶, 李淑杨, 齐先军, 杨熙
合肥工业大学 新能源利用与节能安徽省重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230009
关键词:  高阶不确定性  负荷聚合商  模糊随机机会约束规划  可靠性  风险
Dispatching strategy of aggregator considering fuzzy random uncertainty
ZHANG Jingjing, LI Shuyang, QI Xianjun, YANG Xi
Anhui Key Laboratory of New Energy Utilization and Energy Saving, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
The random and fuzzy factors usually exist simultaneously in the response behavior of interruptible load, that is the statistical law itself contains high-order uncertainty. Aiming at the dispatching decision-making problem of aggregators under the background of high-order uncertainty, the randomness of interruptible load is considered based on its traditional fuzzy model of reduction rate, a fuzzy random chance constrained programming model is established, the optimal response capacity of interruptible load is solved, and the corresponding risk evaluation is carried out. The case result comparison between the fuzzy random model considering high-order uncertainty and the traditional fuzzy model shows that the decision-making method considering high-order uncertainty is more robust and can reduce the risk of dispatching decision-decision, which reflects the impact of response reliability on decision-maker’s profit and can present a guide for load aggregators.
Key words:  high-order uncertainty  load aggregator  fuzzy random chance constrained programming  reliability  risks

