WANG Xin,TU Chunming,GUO Qi,HOU Yuchao,XIAO Fan.Coordinated optimization control method of hybrid system with hydrogen and battery considering efficiency characteristics of multi-stack fuel cells[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(7):
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王鑫, 涂春鸣, 郭祺, 侯玉超, 肖凡
湖南大学 国家电能变换与控制工程技术研究中心,湖南 长沙 410082
关键词:  氢储混合系统  多堆燃料电池  效率特性  功率分配  协调控制
Coordinated optimization control method of hybrid system with hydrogen and battery considering efficiency characteristics of multi-stack fuel cells
WANG Xin, TU Chunming, GUO Qi, HOU Yuchao, XIAO Fan
National Electric Power Conversion and Control Engineering Technology Research Center, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
Aiming at the problem that the traditional control methods of multi-stack fuel cells are difficult to solve the system problems of efficient operation in the full power range and transient voltage stability, a coordinated optimization control method of hybrid system with hydrogen and battery considering the efficiency characteristics of multi-stack fuel cells is proposed, which is divided into system optimization distribution layer and equipment coordination control layer. In the system optimization distribution layer, a strategy of optimal distribution and light-load operation is proposed. The full power mapping set is solved with the goal of optimizing the efficiency of the multi-stack fuel cell system, so as to achieve the optimal power distribution of the multi-stack fuel cells and avoid the fuel cell operating in the light-load interval. In the equipment coordination control layer, a method of fast transient power balance control and steady-state energy complementarity between fuel cell and battery pack is proposed, which realizes the transient and steady-state energy complementarity, suppresses the DC bus voltage fluctuation and improves the system operation stability. An example based on Simulink platform is analyzed to verify the feasibility and correctness of the proposed coordinated optimization control method.
Key words:  hybrid system with hydrogen and battery  multi-stack fuel cells  efficiency characteristics  power allocation  coordinated control

