LI Yi,LI Yongli,LI Song,SHAO Zeguang,CHEN Xiaolong.Power distribution and virtual inertia control of photovoltaic and hybrid energy storage system based on VSG[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(7):
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李怡, 李永丽, 李松, 邵泽广, 陈晓龙
天津大学 智能电网教育部重点实验室,天津 300072
关键词:  虚拟同步发电机  混合储能系统  光伏  功率分配  虚拟惯性  自适应控制
Power distribution and virtual inertia control of photovoltaic and hybrid energy storage system based on VSG
LI Yi, LI Yongli, LI Song, SHAO Zeguang, CHEN Xiaolong
Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
In the virtual synchronous generator(VSG) control-based photovoltaic and hybrid energy storage systems, there are coordination problems among different types of energy storage, and their state of charge(SOC) is also closely related to the control strategy of VSG. To solve this problem, a coordinated control strategy of photovoltaic and hybrid energy storage system based on VSG is proposed. A hybrid energy storage system is integrated into the DC side of the inverter and its power is distributed based on the control principle of VSG. According to the quantitative relationship between the energy storage SOC and the VSG virtual inertia, an improved virtual inertia self-adaptive control strategy is designed and the selection principles of relevant parameters are given. The energy storage SOC can be controlled while improving the dynamic response of the system output frequency and power. MATLAB/Simulink simulative results show that the proposed control strategy can effectively improve the stability of system voltage and frequency, achieve the rational power distribution among hybrid energy storage, improve the charging and discharging performance of energy storage and extend its life.
Key words:  virtual synchronous generator  hybrid energy storage system  photovoltaic  power distribution  virtual inertia  self-adaptive control

