XU Xiaochun,SUI Quan,HUANG Tao,XIE Hua,ZHAO Qingchun.Electric-cold load guarantee strategy of post-disaster distribution network with hybrid mobile energy storages[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(8):63-70
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徐晓春, 随权, 黄涛, 谢华, 赵青春
南京南瑞继保电气有限公司,江苏 南京 211102
关键词:  配电网  移动电储能  移动冰储能  负荷保障  混合整数二阶锥规划
Electric-cold load guarantee strategy of post-disaster distribution network with hybrid mobile energy storages
XU Xiaochun, SUI Quan, HUANG Tao, XIE Hua, ZHAO Qingchun
Nanjing NR Electric Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 211102, China
The existing summer emergency scheduling strategies of post-disaster distribution network generally reduce economic losses from the perspective of maximizing power conservation, and do not directly measure the cooling value, leading to high load guarantee cost. Therefore, an electric-cold load guarantee strategy of post-disaster distribution network with hybrid mobile energy storages is proposed. A novel load guarantee architecture is constructed, which aims to use mobile electric energy storage to charge and discharge in different places and mobile ice energy storage to transfer the stored ices among the ice storage air conditionings to cooperatively guarantee the load energy consumption. The space-time transfer and energy change characteristics of mobile electric energy storage and mobile ice energy storage are quantitatively analyzed, and a simplified collaborative operation model of hybrid mobile energy storages is constructed. On this basis, aiming at the sum of penalty costs of power load and cooling load shedding, a load guarantee model of distribution network considering power flow constraints is proposed. The optimization model is transformed into a classical mixed-integer second order cone programming problem for efficient solution. The simulative results of the example verify the rationality and feasibility of the proposed strategy.
Key words:  distribution network  mobile electric energy storage  mobile ice energy storage  load guarantee  mixed-integer second order cone programming

