SUN Guoqiang,ZHANG Yizhou,TANG Jieyang,TANG Fan,WEI Zhinong,ZANG Haixiang,YANG Dong.Diagnosis method of hydropower alarm events based on data augmentation and deep learning[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(8):88-95
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孙国强1, 章逸舟1, 唐杰阳2, 唐凡2, 卫志农1, 臧海祥1, 杨东2
1.河海大学 能源与电气学院,江苏 南京 211100;2.雅砻江流域水电开发有限公司,四川 成都 610051
关键词:  水电站告警事件  文本数据增强  注意力机制  深度学习  先验知识
Diagnosis method of hydropower alarm events based on data augmentation and deep learning
SUN Guoqiang1, ZHANG Yizhou1, TANG Jieyang2, TANG Fan2, WEI Zhinong1, ZANG Haixiang1, YANG Dong2
1.College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China;2.Yalong River Hydropower Development Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610051, China
Aiming at the shortcomings of traditional diagnosis methods of hydropower alarm events, such as low efficiency and low accuracy, a data augmentation method combining prior knowledge and a hierarchical attention deep learning framework based on bidirectional simple recurrent units++(Bi-SRU++) are designed. Aiming at the problem of imperfect hydropower alarm rules, the latent Dirichlet allocation-enhanced sequential inference model(LDA-ESIM) is used to construct the mapping mechanism between warning signals and warning features. Then, combined with the prior knowledge of hydropower alarm rules, an improved LDA method is proposed to augment the sample data. The hierarchical attention model learns the sample features and outputs the diagnosis results. The test example is actual alarm data of a hydropower centralized control center. The test results show that the proposed method can realize rapid diagnosis of hydropower alarm events with high accuracy in low resource training environment.
Key words:  hydropower station alarm events  text data augmentation  attention mechanism  deep learning  prior knowledge

