WANG Bangyan,WANG Xiuli,SHUAI Xuanyue,WANG Yifei,WANG Shuai,XIN Chaoshan.Centralized topology optimization of offshore wind farm collector system based on linearization analysis of power flow and reliability[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(8):96-104
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王邦彦1, 王秀丽1, 帅轩越1, 王一飞1, 王帅2, 辛超山3
1.西安交通大学 电气工程学院(陕西省智能电网重点实验室),陕西 西安 710049;2.国网经济技术研究院有限公司,北京 102209;3.国网新疆电力有限公司经济技术研究院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830047
关键词:  海上风电场  集电系统  线性潮流  拓扑优化  可靠性分析
Centralized topology optimization of offshore wind farm collector system based on linearization analysis of power flow and reliability
WANG Bangyan1, WANG Xiuli1, SHUAI Xuanyue1, WANG Yifei1, WANG Shuai2, XIN Chaoshan3
1.School of Electrical Engineering(Shaanxi Key Laboratory on Smart Grid),Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China;2.State Grid Economic and Technological Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 102209, China;3.Economic and Technological Research Institute of State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Urumqi 830047, China
Offshore wind power is an important support for the new power system. Its collector system requires a large number of expensive submarine cables, accounting for a higher proportion of the total cost, and it is more difficult to be optimal planned. For this reason, a loss-contained linear power flow model suitable for collector system is proposed, and the power flow constraints are constructed based on decision variables. Considering the optimization of switch configuration, the reliability comprehensive cost is introduced into the model, and the scene is decoupled, the outage power flow variable is constructed based on the network flow model to achieve the modeling and analysis of mathematical constraint form of reliability. The planning model of collector system is built by integrating the costs of various aspects. After clustering the wind turbines, the centralized optimization is performed to obtain the optimal grid topology. At the same time, the concept of standard cost is put forward to comprehensively judge the planning scheme and solution model. Finally, the comparison of the case study between the existing method and the proposed method shows that the solution obtained by the proposed method has a lower standard cost and the proposed model has better calculation accuracy. In summary, the proposed model and method are more suitable for the planning analysis problem of the collector system.
Key words:  offshore wind power farms  collector system  linear power flow  topology optimization  reliability analysis

