MENG Qingwei,LI Ruiyang,LIU Kuan,HAN Meiyu,LI Ruishuai.Coordinated frequency auxiliary control strategy of wind farm and gas turbine on offshore oil and gas platform based on multi-agent[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(8):105-111,140
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孟庆伟1, 李瑞阳1, 刘宽1, 韩美玉1, 李瑞帅2
1.中国石油大学(华东)新能源学院,山东 青岛 266580;2.国网山东省电力公司聊城市茌平区供电公司,山东 聊城 252100
关键词:  海上油气平台  风电场  燃气透平机组  频率辅助控制  多智能体  协调控制
Coordinated frequency auxiliary control strategy of wind farm and gas turbine on offshore oil and gas platform based on multi-agent
MENG Qingwei1, LI Ruiyang1, LIU Kuan1, HAN Meiyu1, LI Ruishuai2
1.College of New Energy, China University of Petroleum(East China),Qingdao 266580, China;2.Liaocheng Chiping District Power Supply Company of State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company, Liaocheng 252100, China
In order to improve the frequency regulation capability of offshore oil and gas platform power grid containing wind power, a coordinated frequency auxiliary control method of wind farm and gas turbine unit on the offshore oil and gas platform is proposed based on the multi-agent consistency theory, inside the wind farm a double-fed induction generator is taking as a unit. The offshore isolated power grid is regarded as a multi-agent system, the wind farm and the gas turbine unit on the offshore oil and gas platform are regarded as agents. Based on the topological information of the offshore power network, the communication network of multi-agent system is constructed to realize the information interaction among agents. The multi-agent models of frequency auxiliary control for wind farm and gas turbine unit on offshore oil and gas platform are established respectively. The controller structure is given based on the multi-agent consistency algorithm, and the frequency coordination control between wind farm agents and gas turbine unit agents is realized based on the multi-agent communication network. The parameters of the controller are optimized by linear quadratic optimal control. The effectiveness of the proposed control method is verified by a simulation example. The results show that the proposed coordinated frequency auxiliary control method can effectively improve the frequency regulation capability of the system and suppress frequency fluctuations.
Key words:  offshore oil and gas platform  wind farms  gas turbine unit  frequency auxiliary control  multi-agent  coordinated control

