TU Chunming,YANG Wanli,XIAO Fan,GUO Qi,HE Xi.Transient power angle stability control method of VSG considering fault current limitation[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(9):55-62,94.
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涂春鸣1, 杨万里1, 肖凡1, 郭祺1, 何西2
1.湖南大学 国家电能变换与控制工程研究中心,湖南 长沙 410082;2.湖南工学院 电气与信息工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421002
关键词:  虚拟同步发电机  对称短路故障  暂态功角稳定控制  故障限流  电压跌落  联合调节
Transient power angle stability control method of VSG considering fault current limitation
TU Chunming1, YANG Wanli1, XIAO Fan1, GUO Qi1, HE Xi2
1.National Electric Power Conversion and Control Engineering Technology Research Center, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China;2.College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan Institute of Technology, Hengyang 421002, China
When a serious fault occurs in the power grid, the virtual synchronous generator(VSG) is prone to power angle instability and fault current exceeding the limit. Most of the existing methods ignore the internal correlation between power angle instability and fault overcurrent and deal with them separately, which makes it difficult to solve the two problems simultaneously. Therefore, the transient power angle characteristic and fault current characteristic of VSG are analyzed, and the causes and relations of the above problems are explained. Based on the phase diagram theory, the transient power angle stability of VSG under multiple influencing factors is analyzed, and a transient power angle stability control method of VSG considering fault current limitation is proposed. On the basis of adaptively adjusting the active power command to keep the power angle stable, the proposed method regulates the reactive power regulation coefficient jointly. In addition, a quasi-static approximate virtual impedance is introduced to realize both transient power angle stability and total fault current limitation of VSG during fault. Simulative and experimental results verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis and the effectiveness of the proposed control method.
Key words:  virtual synchronous generator  symmetrical short circuit fault  transient power angle stability control  fault current limitation  voltage drop  combined regulation

