XUE Yicheng,ZHANG Zheren,XU Zheng.Transient stability analytical model and coordination control of AC system with GFL-VSC[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(9):63-70,111.
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薛翼程, 张哲任, 徐政
浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027
关键词:  跟网型电压源换流器  同步机电源  暂态功角稳定性  临界切除时间  协调控制
Transient stability analytical model and coordination control of AC system with GFL-VSC
XUE Yicheng, ZHANG Zheren, XU Zheng
College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
The integration of voltage source converter-based high voltage direct current(VSC-HVDC) can change the transient stability characteristics of AC system. Therefore, an analytical analysis of the AC system with grid-following voltage source converter(GFL-VSC) is presented. The transient stability analytical models of the pre-fault, fault-on and post-fault systems are built. An analytical calculative method based on discrete integration for calculating the critical clearing time of the system fault is proposed. Based on the analytical model, the influence of the phase and magnitude of the VSC injection current and fault location on the transient stability of AC system is studied. A coordination control strategy is proposed for transient stability enhancement of AC system. It acquires the rotor angular frequency of critical synchronous generators through wide area measurement system to achieve active and reactive current dynamic adjustment of VSC. The electromagnetic transient simulation model of a multi-machine system built based on PSCAD/EMTDC verifies the correctness of theoretical analysis and the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.
Key words:  grid-following voltage source converter  synchronous generator source  transient rotor angle stability  critical clearing time  coordination control

