HAN Zelei,JU Ping,QIN Chuan,SUN Dayan,SUN Huadong,ZHENG Yi.Review and prospect of research on frequency security of new power system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(9):112-124.
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韩泽雷1, 鞠平1, 秦川1, 孙大雁2, 孙华东3, 郑义1
1.河海大学 能源与电气学院,江苏 南京 211100;2.国家电力调度控制中心,北京 100031;3.中国电力科学研究院有限公司,北京 100192
关键词:  新型电力系统  频率安全  频率响应建模  频率机理分析  频率安全控制
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51837004, U2066601);“111”计划项目(B14022)
Review and prospect of research on frequency security of new power system
HAN Zelei1, JU Ping1, QIN Chuan1, SUN Dayan2, SUN Huadong3, ZHENG Yi1
1.College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China;2.State Grid Dispatching Control Center, Beijing 100031, China;3.China Electric Power Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100192, China
With the accelerating process of low carbon transformation of power system, the power grid is becoming a new power system transformation characterized by “high proportion of new energy” and “high proportion of power electronic equipment”. The fluctuation of new energy output and the large-scale access of power electronic equipment not only significantly increase the unbalanced power impact of the system, but also weaken the frequency support ability of the system, which brings a severe challenge to the frequency security. From the perspective of modeling, analysis and control of frequency security, firstly four kinds of frequency response models of power system are summarized and compared, that is, full system detailed model, linearized model, single-machine equivalent model and artificial intelligence model. Then the frequency security index of power system and its quantitative evaluation methods and influencing factors are summarized. Finally, the frequency security control methods are summarized from the aspects of “source-load-storage” and its coordinated control, the frequency emergency coordinated control system is introduced, and the aspects of modeling, analysis and control are proposed.
Key words:  new power system  frequency security  frequency response modeling  frequency mechanism analysis  frequency security control

