LI Yanxin,FU Qiang,XIAO Xianyong.Review of research on small-signal stability of grid-connected battery energy storage system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(9):125-137.
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李颜鑫, 付强, 肖先勇
四川大学 电气工程学院,四川 成都 610065
关键词:  电池储能并网系统  小干扰稳定性  误差累积效应  功率双向性  控制多样性
Review of research on small-signal stability of grid-connected battery energy storage system
LI Yanxin, FU Qiang, XIAO Xianyong
College of Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
In order to clarify the potential instability risks of large-scale grid-connected battery energy storage system, the stability problems and mechanisms caused by grid-connected battery energy storage are reviewed from the two perspectives of AC and DC, the differences between battery energy storage and power electronic equipment of renewable energy, such as photovoltaic, wind turbine and so on, are clarified, and the short-comings of the existing results in the stability research of large-scale grid-connected battery energy storage system are pointed out. The relevant conclusions are drawn. In the study of stability, the battery energy sto-rage is often simplified as constant voltage, constant current and constant power source or load, but similar simplification may lead to misjudgment of the stability of large-scale grid-connected battery energy storage system due to the error accumulation effect, so it is necessary to clearly quantify the influence of simplification conditions and errors. Current studies focus on a single grid-connected battery energy storage system, use the traditional power system stability analysis method, and pay less attention to the influence of bidirectional power characteristic and the quantity scale on the stability of AC and DC systems, so it is necessary to further explore and reveal its instability mechanism. Existing studies only focus on the grid-connected battery energy storage system with a single control, and do not consider the control mode diversity of battery energy storage under different scenarios and demands, so it is necessary to pay attention to the dynamic interaction law and instability risk among diverse battery energy storage controls.
Key words:  grid-connected battery energy storage system  small-signal stability  error accumulation effect  bidirectional power characteristic  control diversity

