GAO Xiaoping,ZHANG Chenhao,SONG Guobing,JIANG Jiaheng,Lü Yichao.Control strategies of offshore wind power low frequency transmission system under asymmetric fault of low-frequency side[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(10):160-166
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高校平1,2, 张晨浩1,2, 宋国兵1,2, 蒋嘉桁1,2, 吕艺超1,2
1.西安交通大学 陕西省智能电网重点实验室,陕西 西安 710049;2.西安交通大学 电气工程学院,陕西 西安 710049
关键词:  模块化多电平矩阵换流器  海上风电低频输电系统  不对称故障  V/f降压控制  负序电流控制  故障分析
Control strategies of offshore wind power low frequency transmission system under asymmetric fault of low-frequency side
GAO Xiaoping1,2, ZHANG Chenhao1,2, SONG Guobing1,2, JIANG Jiaheng1,2, Lü Yichao1,2
1.Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Smart Grid, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China;2.School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
Asymmetric faults of low-frequency submarine cable will lead to risks of overcurrent of power electronic devices in modular multilevel matrix converter(M3C) and overvoltage in the non-fault phase, which brings great challenges to offshore wind power low frequency transmission system(LFTS). To solve the above problems, a control strategy for asymmetric fault of submarine cable is proposed based on excellent controllability of power electronic equipment in M3C. The low-frequency side voltage of M3C is adjus-ted dynamically according to the fault severity to avoid overvoltage in the healthy phase. Meanwhile, to limit the amplitude of short circuit current and protect power devices from overcurrent, the negative-sequence current is suppressed by sub-converters. Then the fault equivalent model is derived for fault analysis with taking the influence of control strategy into account. The model of offshore wind power LFTS is built in PSCAD/EMTDC. The simulative results validate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy and fault analysis method. The strategy can realize stable operation of the system under asymmetric fault of low-frequency side.
Key words:  modular multilevel matrix converter  offshore wind power low frequency transmission system  asymmetric faults  V/f voltage-dropping control  negative-sequence current control  fault analysis

