HU Kewei,LI Hao,WANG Chuang,HUANG Danji,ZHONG Zhiyao,AI Xiaomeng,FANG Jiakun.Review on multiphysics modeling and regulation of power-to-hydrogen electrolyzer[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(12):3-13
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胡可崴, 李浩, 王创, 黄丹极, 钟治垚, 艾小猛, 方家琨
华中科技大学 电气与电子工程学院,湖北 武汉 430074
关键词:  电解水制氢  多物理场  传热  传质  气液两相流  光场监测  磁场调控
Review on multiphysics modeling and regulation of power-to-hydrogen electrolyzer
HU Kewei, LI Hao, WANG Chuang, HUANG Danji, ZHONG Zhiyao, AI Xiaomeng, FANG Jiakun
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
There are many physical quantities such as current, temperature and flow rate in the power-to-hydrogen device distributed in the electrolytic cell in the form of dual coupling of energy and matter, and the efficient operation of the equipment is inseparable from the precise analysis and coordinated control of the internal multiphysics fields. The multiphysics modeling and regulation of power-to-hydrogen device are reviewed. The coupling mechanism of multiphysics processes, such as heat transfer, mass transfer and diphasic flow, is revealed. The modeling strategies, the research bottlenecks and the development trends of each physical field are reviewed respectively. At the same time, applying magnetic field and light field to the electrolytic cell can effectively monitor or regulate the internal multiphysics processes. The flow field monitoring principle of external light field and the control technology of external magnetic field are introduced respectively. Finally, the key technologies and development directions of the research on internal field mo-deling and external field regulation of power-to-hydrogen device are summarized, in order to provide gui-dance for the development of multiphysics field research of power-to-hydrogen device.
Key words:  power-to-hydrogen  multiphysics  heat transfer  mass transfer  diphasic flow  optical monitoring  magnetic control

