XU Ziyi,SUN Lizheng,WANG Feng,ZHUO Fang.Control method of electric-hydrogen-chemistry coupling system considering multiple constraints[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(12):14-20
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许子怡, 孙立政, 王丰, 卓放
西安交通大学 电气工程学院,陕西 西安 710049
关键词:  氢能  电-氢-化耦合系统  碱性电解槽  24脉波整流器  多约束条件  控制策略
Control method of electric-hydrogen-chemistry coupling system considering multiple constraints
XU Ziyi, SUN Lizheng, WANG Feng, ZHUO Fang
School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
In the electric-hydrogen-chemistry coupling system, when the electrolytic water hydrogen production equipment consumes renewable energy, such as wind, photovoltaic, and so on, or participates in the balance regulation of the power grid, its variable load operation needs to meet multiple constraints to ensure the safe and stable operation of each link in the system. According to the coupling relationship of each link in the electric-hydrogen-chemistry coupling system, the model of electrolytic water hydrogen production system, which is the core link of the system, is introduced in detail. A system control method considering multiple constraints of each link is proposed. The model of megawatt alkaline electrolyzer is analy-zed in detail, including electrochemical model and thermodynamic model, and the mathematical models of auxiliary equipment, such as compressor and hydrogen storage tank, are established. The control strategy of the electrolytic water hydrogen production system is put forward considering the constraints of electrolyzer temperature, electrolyzer pressure, hydrogen storage tank pressure and hydrogen use in the downstream coal chemical industry link. The simulation model of the electric-hydrogen-chemistry coupling system is built based on MATLAB/Simulink, and the operation characteristics of the electric-hydrogen-chemistry coupling system are deeply studied by RT-LAB semi-physical simulation platform under different power instructions of the power grid, and the control effect of the proposed control strategy is verified.
Key words:  hydrogen energy  electric-hydrogen-chemistry coupling system  alkaline electrolyzer  24-pulse rectifier  multiple constraints  control strategy

