引用本文:杨永明,程 鹏,陈 俊,杨 帆,刘行谋.考虑空气流场影响的电缆散热研究及其影响因素与经济性分析[J].电力自动化设备,2013,33(1):
YANG Yongming,CHENG Peng,CHEN Jun,YANG Fan,LIU Xingmou.Cable heat dissipation considering air flow field,its influencing factors and economical efficiency[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2013,33(1):
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杨永明1, 程 鹏1, 陈 俊2, 杨 帆1, 刘行谋1
1.重庆大学 输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室,重庆 400044;2.重庆市电力公司电网检修分公司,重庆 400015
关键词:  电缆  电缆沟  流场  温度场  载流量  土建成本  模型
Cable heat dissipation considering air flow field,its influencing factors and economical efficiency
YANG Yongming1, CHENG Peng1, CHEN Jun2, YANG Fan2, LIU Xingmou1
1.State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China;2.Grid Maintenance Branch Company of Chongqing Electric Power Corporation,Chongqing 400015,China
The calculation model of cable temperature field considering the influence of flow field is established according to the theories of heat transfer and the temperature field boundary conditions of cable in trench are determined. Its accuracy is verified by an example of six-loop cables in trench. The model can also be used for the temperature field calculation of cable in tunnel. The influences of trench depth and cable layer spacing on the cable permissible current carrying capacity are studied and the economical efficiency of cable trench laying schemes is analyzed combined with the construction cost. Calculated results show that,in increasing the current carrying capacity of cable by improving its heat dissipation,the optimization of cable layer spacing has better effect than the optimization of cable trench depth,and proper optimization of cable trench depth may shorten the recovery time of civil investment cost. In actual selection of cable trench laying scheme,the optimization of cable layer spacing is superior to the integrated optimization of cable layer spacing and cable trench depth.
Key words:  Grid Maintenance Branch Company of Chongqing Electric Power Corporation,Chongqing 400015,China

