HUANG Xinbo,GAO Yuhan,ZHANG Ye,ZHAO Long,WU Yiqun,SUN Suzhen.Glass insulator target recognition algorithm based on joint component grayscale algorithm and deep learning[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(4):
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黄新波, 高玉菡, 张烨, 赵隆, 伍逸群, 孙苏珍
西安工程大学 电子信息学院,陕西 西安 710048
关键词:  玻璃绝缘子  联合分量灰度化算法  动态分块阈值分割  双尺度分类卷积神经网络  深度学习
Glass insulator target recognition algorithm based on joint component grayscale algorithm and deep learning
HUANG Xinbo, GAO Yuhan, ZHANG Ye, ZHAO Long, WU Yiqun, SUN Suzhen
School of Electronics and Information, Xi’an Polytechnic University, Xi’an 710048, China
Aiming at the problem that the color characteristics of glass insulators are not obvious and can not be recognized accurately under similar color interference and different lighting conditions, the glass insulator target recognition algorithm based on joint component grayscale algorithm and deep learning is proposed. Firstly, a joint component grayscale algorithm is proposed, which realizes the target enhancement by compensating the color features of target region of the glass insulator. Then, based on the uniform block segmentation, the dynamic block threshold is used for rough segmentation of glass insulator images. Meanwhile, combining with the multi-scale and high-dimensional characteristics of glass insulators, such as color and spatial information, a dual-scale classification convolutional neural network algorithm is proposed to achieve fine segmentation of glass insulator images. Finally, all sub-images obtained by fine segmentation are combined to achieve accurate recognition of glass insulator targets in complex background. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can accurately recognize the glass insulator target from the images with similar color interference and different lighting influences, and both of its two recognition indicators, i. e. Dice parameter and Jaccard coefficient are more than 90%,and the average recognition accuracy rate is as high as 92%.
Key words:  glass insulator  joint component grayscale algorithm  dynamic block threshold segmentation  dual-scale classification convolutional neural network  deep learning

