DONG Xintao,LI Baowei,ZHAO Jiansong,FANG Zheng,LI Xu,DENG Maojun.Criterion of breaker failure protection based on identification of tail current[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(4):
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董新涛1, 李宝伟1,2, 赵剑松1, 方正1, 李旭1, 邓茂军1
1.许继电气股份有限公司,河南 许昌 461000;2.华中科技大学 强电磁工程与新技术国家重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430074
分析了影响断路器失灵保护动作时间的主要原因,针对失灵电流判据受电流互感器拖尾电流影响的问题,提出了一种利用最小二乘法三点窗算法计算基波幅值和直流幅值的直流比率制动判据。经仿真验证,在断路器跳开后发生电流互感器拖尾时该判据可在20 ms内动作闭锁断路器失灵保护,消除拖尾电流的不利影响。针对断路器失灵保护动作中间环节多和失灵出口需要重动的问题,提出了通过优化保护配置,综合集成保护功能,使用专用纵联通道、优化远跳就地延时及采用分相出口等方法,以减少断路器失灵保护和死区保护动作全过程参与的保护装置数量,提高动作速度。设计了综合集成断路器失灵保护方案,可在200 ms时间内快速切除断路器失灵故障及死区故障。设计了综合集成断路器失灵死区保护,增加了针对死区保护的差动逻辑,利用差动保护可在110 ms内快速切除死区故障。2种方案均已通过第三方检测,验证了方案的可行性。
关键词:  断路器失灵保护  最小二乘法  直流比率制动判据  综合集成断路器失灵死区保护  继电保护
Criterion of breaker failure protection based on identification of tail current
DONG Xintao1, LI Baowei1,2, ZHAO Jiansong1, FANG Zheng1, LI Xu1, DENG Maojun1
1.XJ Electric Co.,Ltd.,Xuchang 461000, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
The main reasons that affect the operation time of breaker failure protection are analyzed. Aiming at the problem that failure current criterion is affected by the CT(Current Transformer) tail current, the DC(Direct Current) ratio restraint criterion is proposed, which calculates the fundamental wave amplitude and DC amplitude by using three-point window algorithm based on least square method. The simulation verification shows that when CT tail occurs, the criterion can block breaker failure protection within 20 ms, eliminating the adverse effect of the tail current. In order to solve the problem of multiple intermediate links of breaker failure protection and repeat relay of the failure outlet, some methods such as protection configuration optimization, comprehensive integration of protection functions, using dedicated pilot channels, inter-tripping time optimization, and adopting split-phase outlets are put forward to reduce the protection devices involved in the whole process of breaker failure protection and dead zone protection, and improve the operation speed of breaker failure protection and dead zone protection. The comprehensive integrated breaker failure protection scheme is designed, which can quickly remove breaker failure and dead zone faults within 200 ms. The comprehensive integrated breaker failure and dead zone protection is designed, in which, the difference logic specifically for the dead zone protection is added, and the dead zone fault could be removed quickly within 110 ms by using the differential protection. Both of the two schemes have passed the third-party testing, which verifies the feasibility of the scheme.
Key words:  breaker failure protection  least square method  DC ratio restraint criterion  comprehensive integrated breaker failure and dead zone protection  relay protection

