ZHAO Huaijian,MU Longhua,FANG Chongkai.Grounding fault protection scheme based on zero-sequence off-nominal frequency component injection for microgrid[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(11):
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赵怀健, 牟龙华, 方重凯
同济大学 电子与信息工程学院,上海 201804
关键词:  微电网  继电保护  逆变型分布式电源  注入法  零序分量  非工频分量
Grounding fault protection scheme based on zero-sequence off-nominal frequency component injection for microgrid
ZHAO Huaijian, MU Longhua, FANG Chongkai
College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
Microgrids contain many distributed generators, and have many characteristics different from those of traditional distribution network. The protection schemes for traditional distribution network are difficult to meet the requirements of microgrid operation. Based on the topology and fault characteristics of microgrid, a microgrid fault network model with multiple inverter interfaced distributed generators is established, and a grounding fault protection scheme for microgrid based on zero-sequence off-nominal frequency component injection is proposed. With the fault characteristics generated by the injected zero-sequence off-nominal frequency current, the scheme can correctly identify and remove all kinds of grounding faults in microgrid, and is suitable for both grid-connected and islanded modes. Finally, the proposed protection scheme is analyzed and simulated in PSCAD/EMTDC, the results verify the effectiveness and reliability of it.
Key words:  microgrid  relay protection  inverter interfaced distributed generator  injection method  zero-sequence component  off-nominal frequency component

