PEI Liqiu,YANG Hongtao,ZHANG Qixue,LI Huazhong,XU Linbo,WU Lijun,CHEN Jun.Stator grounding fault location method of turbo-generator based on geometric relationship algorithm[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(12):
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裴丽秋1, 杨洪涛1, 张琦雪2, 李华忠2, 许林波3, 吴礼军1, 陈俊2,4
1.淮浙电力有限责任公司凤台发电分公司,安徽 淮南 232131;2.南京南瑞继保电气有限公司,江苏 南京 211102;3.浙江浙能技术研究院有限公司,浙江 杭州 311100;4.东南大学 电气工程学院,江苏 南京 210096
关键词:  发电机  定子接地故障定位  几何关系  圆心角  仿真试验
Stator grounding fault location method of turbo-generator based on geometric relationship algorithm
PEI Liqiu1, YANG Hongtao1, ZHANG Qixue2, LI Huazhong2, XU Linbo3, WU Lijun1, CHEN Jun2,4
1.Fengtai Branch of Huaizhe Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Huainan 232131, China;2.NR Electric Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 211102, China;3.Zhejiang Energy Group CP Ltd.,Hangzhou 311100, China;4.School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
A method of turbo-generator stator grounding fault location based on geometric relationship algorithm is proposed. According to the fundamental wave potential distribution characteristics of large turbo-generator stator windings, the potential vectors being connected in sequence are approximately equivalent to a circular arc on the plane, and the corresponding central angle is defined as β. Meanwhile, the zero-sequence voltage of stator and the winding phase voltage are mapped to the plane when the grounding fault occurs. The geometric relationship between the fundamental potential from the fault position to the neutral point and the phasors such as the stator zero-sequence voltage and the winding phase voltage is established. Combined with impedance characteristic parameters of zero-sequence circuit, the fault angle γ of the neutral point to grounding fault winding bar is calculated, and the ratio of angle γ to angle β is calculated, which is the grounding position. The proposed method is verified by the simulation test and the field grounding fault case. The verification results show that the proposed method is simple and effective, and do not depend on the injection stator grounding protection, which can greatly improve the diagnosis efficiency of generator stator grounding fault and shorten the troubleshooting time.
Key words:  electric generators  stator grounding fault location  geometric relationship  central angle  simulation test

