YANG Qifan,DUAN Dawei,LI Nan,ZHANG Yuliang,MA Hongzhong.A practical fault diagnosis method for series-connected battery packs based on principle component analysis[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(12):
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杨启帆, 段大卫, 李楠, 张玉良, 马宏忠
河海大学 能源与电气学院,江苏 南京 211100
关键词:  锂离子电池  故障诊断  电池组  主成分分析  交叉测量
A practical fault diagnosis method for series-connected battery packs based on principle component analysis
YANG Qifan, DUAN Dawei, LI Nan, ZHANG Yuliang, MA Hongzhong
College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China
In order to ensure the safe operation of electric vehicles and energy storage systems, the research on fault diagnosis for battery packs has attracted much attention. Aiming at the problems that the current diagnosis methods of battery packs are relatively scarce and not practical, a practical fault diagnosis method based on PCA(Principal Component Analysis) is proposed to accurately identify the battery cell fault and connection fault within a pack. Firstly, a non-hardware redundant cross-mearsurement topology is proposed to measure the batteries and the connecting plates with different number of sensors. Then, the variation characteristics of measured voltage in the pack are analyzed and the fault features are extracted by introducing PCA. In order to ensure the adaptation of PCA model, the idea of integrating PCA real-time mode-ling and fault diagnosis is proposed, and based on this, a complete fault diagnosis scheme is designed. Finally, experiments are carried out to verify the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method can reliably distinguish the battery cell fault from the connection fault, accurately detect the battery cell fault that cannot be detected by the threshold method, and is robust to the influence of state of charge, state of health and temperature difference. Field operation data also confirm that the proposed method can effectively avoid false alarm.
Key words:  lithium-ion battery  fault diagnosis  battery pack  PCA  cross-measurement

