引用本文: | 黄剑平,余欣,赵东生,范亚洲,陈皓勇,于是乎,李银格.考虑源网荷效益的峰谷电价与峰谷时段双层优化模型[J].电力自动化设备,2024,44(6):217-224. |
| HUANG Jianping,YU Xin,ZHAO Dongsheng,FAN Yazhou,CHEN Haoyong,YU Shihu,LI Yinge.Bi-layer optimization model of peak-valley prices and peak-valley periods considering benefits of source-grid-load[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(6):217-224. |
摘要: |
用户响应行为测算需求解峰谷时段与峰谷电价之间的双线性项,目前仅考虑负荷曲线的数值大小对峰谷时段进行单独划分,分时电价实行效果受限。提出峰谷时段与峰谷电价的双层优化模型,考虑风电不确定性下的规划成本与发电成本,反映分时电价的实际经济效用;考虑用户响应的不确定性,保证分时电价实行后的源网荷效益在一定范围内变化;峰谷时段划分与峰谷电价设计均以系统成本最低为目标优化得到,充分考虑峰谷时段划分、峰谷电价设计和用户响应行为之间的交互机理。仿真结果表明,与单独划分峰谷时段的模型相比,所提模型能够制定更优、科学性更强的峰谷时段和峰谷电价,进一步降低系统总成本。 |
关键词: 峰谷时段 峰谷电价 源网荷效益 风电不确定性 响应不确定性 |
DOI:10.16081/j.epae.202312007 |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(51937005);国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFB2403500) |
Bi-layer optimization model of peak-valley prices and peak-valley periods considering benefits of source-grid-load |
HUANG Jianping1, YU Xin1, ZHAO Dongsheng1, FAN Yazhou1, CHEN Haoyong2, YU Shihu1, LI Yinge1
1.Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510080, China;2.School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
Abstract: |
The measurement of user response behavior needs to solve the bilinear term between peak-valley periods and peak-valley electricity prices, at present, only the values of load curve is considered to individually divide the peak-valley periods, and the implementation effect of time-of-use price is limited. A bi-layer optimization model of peak-valley periods and peak-valley electricity prices is proposed, which considers the planning cost and generation cost under the uncertainty of wind power to reflect the actual economic utility of time-of-use price. The uncertainty of user response is considered to ensure that the benefit of source-grid-load change within a certain range after the implementation of time-of-use price. Both peak-valley period division and peak-valley electricity price design are optimized with the minimum system cost as the object, and the interaction mechanism among division of peak-valley periods, design of peak-valley electricity prices and user response behavior is fully considered. The simulative results show that, compared with the model of individually dividing the peak-valley periods, the proposed model can formulate better and more scientific peak-valley periods and peak-valley electricity prices, and further reduce the total system cost. |
Key words: peak-valley periods peak-valley electricity prices benefits of source-grid-load wind power uncertainty response uncertainty |