CHENG Hao,QIN Wenping,HAN Xiaoqing,JING Xiang,ZHU Zhilong,LU Ruipeng.Site selection and capacity determination method of energy storage in regional power grid based on power angle stability[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):21-29
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程浩, 秦文萍, 韩肖清, 景祥, 朱志龙, 逯瑞鹏
太原理工大学 电力系统运行与控制山西省重点实验室,山西 太原 030024
关键词:  储能  双层规划  选址定容  功角稳定性  改进多目标人工蜂群算法
Site selection and capacity determination method of energy storage in regional power grid based on power angle stability
CHENG Hao, QIN Wenping, HAN Xiaoqing, JING Xiang, ZHU Zhilong, LU Ruipeng
Shanxi Key Laboratory of Power System Operation and Control, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
In order to alleviate the peak shaving pressure across the transmission sections and improve the power angle stability of the power grid, a two-layer site selection and capacity determination optimization model of energy storage considering both economy and power angle stability is established, and the solution method of the model is given. The upper model considers the operation economy of the regional power grid and takes the maximum benefit of the energy storage station as the optimization objective to determine the total configuration capacity of the energy storage. The lower model considers the power angle stability of the regional power grid and takes the minimum total network loss during the energy storage dispatch period and the maximum power angle stability ability of the energy storage regulation regional power grid as the optimization objectives to carry out the site selection and total capacity allocation of energy storage. The upper layer of the two-layer model is solved by using genetic algorithm and the lower layer is solved by using improved multi-objective artificial bee colony algorithm. An actual power grid is taken as an example for simulation verification. The results show that energy storage configuration based on the proposed two-layer optimization model can improve the power angle stability of regional power grid while ensuring economy.
Key words:  energy storage  bi-level programming  site selection and capacity determination  power angle stability  improved multi-objective artificial bee colony algorithm

