WANG Zesen,LIU Miao,LI Haibo,QIN Jianru,GUO Jinzhi,BAI Kai.Optimal configuration method of synchronous condenser to improve delivery capacity of new energy cluster in weak grid[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):30-36,44
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王泽森1, 刘苗1, 李海波2, 秦建茹2, 郭金智1, 白恺1
1.国网冀北电力有限公司,北京 100054;2.清华四川能源互联网研究院,四川 成都 610213
针对提升送端弱电网系统强度及新能源消纳能力的技术需求,分析了短路比指标与新能源集群送出能力之间的关联;分析了调相机接入对短路比指标的影响;建立了兼顾弱电网系统强度和集群新能源消纳的调相机配置双层优化模型,内层模型以各新能源场站出力最大为目标,确定短路比约束下各新能源场站最大出力限值,外层模型以调相机配置容量最小为目标,计算各新能源场站实际出力与该场站最大出力限值的差值,对调相机配置容量进行校核。通过实际典型电网仿真分析表明,调相机优化配置后系统强度大幅提升,同时,98 % 的新能源场站最大可消纳空间达到各新能源场站理论最大可消纳空间的95 %。
关键词:  弱电网系统  短路比  新能源消纳  调相机  优化配置
Optimal configuration method of synchronous condenser to improve delivery capacity of new energy cluster in weak grid
WANG Zesen1, LIU Miao1, LI Haibo2, QIN Jianru2, GUO Jinzhi1, BAI Kai1
1.State Grid Jibei Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100054, China;2.Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, Chengdu 610213, China
In view of the technical requirements for improving the strength of the weak grid at sending end and the new energy accommodation capacity, the relationship between the short circuit ratio index and the delivery capacity of the new energy cluster is analyzed. The influence of synchronous condenser access on short circuit ratio index is analyzed. A bi-level optimal model of synchronous condenser configuration considering the strength of weak grid system and the consumption of new energy cluster is established. The inner layer model takes the maximum output of each new energy station as the goal, determining the maximum output limit of each new energy station under the constraint of short circuit ratio. The outer layer model takes the minimum configuration capacity of synchronous condenser as the goal, calculating the diffe-rence between the actual output and the maximum output limit of each new energy station, and checking the configuration capacity of synchronous condenser. The simulation analysis of the actual typical power grid shows that the system strength is greatly improved after the optimal configuration of synchronous condenser. At the same time, the maximum accommodation space of 98 % new energy stations can reach 95% of the theoretical maximum accommodation space of each new energy station.
Key words:  weak grid system  short circuit ratio  new energy accommodation  synchronous condenser  optimal configuration

