LIU Qianyi,LI Yuan,LIU Fang,LI Shanglong.Capacity optimization allocation strategy of electric energy regulator with energy storage for power shock suppression in shore power system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):37-44
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刘乾易, 李源, 刘芳, 李尚龙
中南大学 自动化学院,湖南 长沙 410083
关键词:  岸电系统  冲击性功率  电能质量  储能型电能调控装置  容量优化
Capacity optimization allocation strategy of electric energy regulator with energy storage for power shock suppression in shore power system
LIU Qianyi, LI Yuan, LIU Fang, LI Shanglong
School of Automation, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Aiming at the power quality problems such as impact power on the load side of port shore power system, a capacity optimization method of electric power regulator with energy storage is proposed. The topological structures of port shore power system and electric energy regulator with energy storage are introduced, and the operation characteristic of impact load is discussed. The relationship between load operation condition and power factor control objective is analyzed. According to the state of charge of battery and load operation condition, a compensation control strategy for adaptive capacity design of electric power regulator with energy storage under multiple operation conditions is proposed. A technical-economic model of electric energy regulator with energy storage is established, a capacity model is built by considering the power quality requirements of shore power system in the technical model, and the economic model provides a method to evaluate the life cost and benefit. Based on the measured data of port shore load, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified.
Key words:  shore power system  impact power  power quality  electric energy regulator with energy storage  capacity optimization

