WANG Yue,XIE Haipeng,ZHU Hao.Source-load coordinated optimal planning method of electrolytic aluminum industrial park[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):132-140
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王越, 谢海鹏, 祝昊
西安交通大学 电气工程学院,陕西 西安 710049
关键词:  电解铝负荷  源荷协调  新能源消纳  优化配置  需求响应
Source-load coordinated optimal planning method of electrolytic aluminum industrial park
WANG Yue, XIE Haipeng, ZHU Hao
School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
With the increasing grid-connected capacity of wind power and photovoltaic, its inherent volatility and intermittency characteristics exacerbate the difficulty of thermal power units’ regulation. Electrolytic aluminum load(EAL) has the characteristics of large power consumption and fast regulation speed, which can be used as load-side flexibility resource to participate in power system planning. The production principle and power supply mode of EAL are analyzed, the relationship between power and EAL output is deduced, and then a multi-stage demand response model of EAL is established. For the electrolytic aluminum industrial park, with the goal of minimizing the construction cost of renewable energy power plants and the opera-ting cost of the industrial park’s power system, taking into account the characteristics of EAL regulation time, regulation depth, etc.,a source-load coordinated optimal planning model considering the demand response of EAL is built to promote the coordination of EAL with thermal power units and renewable energy. To solve the problem, the nonlinear constraints in the model are linearized by using variable substitution and big M method, and the original problem is transformed into mixed-integer quadratic programming problem, thus achieving fast solution with a commercial solver. Simulation calculations are carried out by using practical cases, and the results show that the proposed method can simultaneously consider both the economy of system and the utilization of renewable energy utilization, and achieve the goal of economic excellent operation of the power system.
Key words:  electrolytic aluminum load  source-load coordination  renewable energy consumption  optimal planning  demand response

