ZHOU Buxiang,NING Chong,CHEN Shi,ZHU Meng,SU Yingqing,ZHOU Yi,ZANG Tianlei.Capacity planning and layout optimization method of wind and photovoltaic power plants in new energy base considering ecological resistance cost[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):141-148
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周步祥1, 宁冲1, 陈实1, 朱猛2, 苏迎庆2, 周毅1, 臧天磊1
1.四川大学 电气工程学院,四川 成都 610065;2.中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院,甘肃 兰州 730000
关键词:  新能源基地  资源时空特性  生态阻力成本  容量规划  布局优化
Capacity planning and layout optimization method of wind and photovoltaic power plants in new energy base considering ecological resistance cost
ZHOU Buxiang1, NING Chong1, CHEN Shi1, ZHU Meng2, SU Yingqing2, ZHOU Yi1, ZANG Tianlei1
1.College of Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China;2.Northwest Institute of Eco-environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
Due to high altitude and harsh ecological environment of new energy bases of desert and Gobi, the ecological resistance affects the capacity planning and layout of wind and photovoltaic plants. Taking the new energy base as the research object, a capacity planning and layout optimization method of wind and photovoltaic power plants considering the ecological resistance cost is proposed. Based on the wide-area meteorological data and geographic information data of new energy bases, a model for representing the resource spatial and temporal characteristics is established, and three key ecological resistance factors are selected to establish an ecological resistance evaluation system. On this basis, a comprehensive ecological resistance cost model is constructed. Based on the model for representing the resource spatial and temporal characteristics and the comprehensive ecological resistance cost model, a capacity planning and layout optimization model of wind and photovoltaic plants with the minimum comprehensive cost is established, and the solution process of the model is given. The example simulative results based on the actual data of a new energy base in Northwest China show that the proposed method can effectively solve the contradiction between natural resource development and ecological resistance of new energy bases, and improve the system economy on the premise of ensuring the system reliable operation.
Key words:  new energy base  resource temporal and spatial characteristics  ecological resistance cost  capacity planning  layout optimization

