LU Yidan,KUANG Li,YE Xi,WEN Yunfeng,CHI Fangde.Operating reserve capacity allocation strategy and optimization model with coordinated participation of source-network-load-storage[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):156-164
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陆艺丹1, 况理1, 叶希2, 文云峰1, 迟方德3
1.湖南大学 输变电新技术教育部工程研究中心,湖南 长沙 410082;2.国网四川省电力公司,四川 成都 610041;3.国网陕西省电力有限公司,陕西 西安 710048
关键词:  运行备用  源网荷储  分配策略  备用优化  新能源消纳
Operating reserve capacity allocation strategy and optimization model with coordinated participation of source-network-load-storage
LU Yidan1, KUANG Li1, YE Xi2, WEN Yunfeng1, CHI Fangde3
1.New Technology Engineering Research Centre of Ministry of Education for Power Transmission & Distribution, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China;2.State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company, Chengdu 610041, China;3.State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Company, Xi’an 710048, China
To improve the reserve adequacy for high percentage of new energy power system and realize efficient consumption of large-scale new energy, the reserve resources are expanded to source-network-load-storage resources, and the operating reserve level provided by the source-network-load-storage flexible regulation resources is quantified in terms of the regulating direction, participation mode, et al. Furthermore, based on the regulation idea of “synchronous unit undertaking in normal periods and multi-type resource apportioning in special periods”,the operating reserve capacity allocation strategy involving coordinated participation of source-network-load-storage resources is proposed and a reserve distribution optimization model incorporating multiple types of heterogeneous resources is constructed, which realizes the level-by-level fine allocation of various reserve resources in the “whole network-similar resources-units/stations”. Based on the example of a provincial power grid for case study and analysis, the effectiveness of the proposed strategy is verified by comparing it with the existing operating reserve allocation criteria.
Key words:  operating reserve  source-network-load-storage  allocation strategy  reserve optimization  new energy accommodation

