XIE Hua,LIU Zhe,LEI Bo,WANG Yunjia.Energy storage optimal allocation method for public transportation photovoltaic charging station considering whole life cycle cost[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):165-172
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谢桦1, 刘哲1, 雷博2, 王云嘉1,3
1.北京交通大学 电气工程学院,北京 100044;2.南方电网科学研究院有限责任公司,广东 广州 510663;3.国网衡水供电公司,河北 衡水 053000
关键词:  公交光伏充电站  储能配置  通勤需求  配电容量  经济性
Energy storage optimal allocation method for public transportation photovoltaic charging station considering whole life cycle cost
XIE Hua1, LIU Zhe1, LEI Bo2, WANG Yunjia1,3
1.School of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China;2.China Southern Power Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Guangzhou 510663, China;3.State Grid Hengshui Electric Power Supply Company, Hengshui 053000, China
The electrification is fully promoted in urban bus under the “dual-carbon” goal, and public transportation photovoltaic charging station faces the problems of high load pressure at the grid-connection point and high operating cost. An optimal allocation method of energy storage for public transportation photovoltaic charging station is proposed. The charging load characteristics of public transportation are analyzed based on a large amount of research data, and a typical operation scenario of public transportation photovoltaic charging station is constructed. Comprehensively considering the interest of charging station operators, public transportation commuting demand and capacity limitation of grid-connection point, a bi-layer battery energy storage optimal allocation model for public transportation photovoltaic charging station is constructed taking into account the whole life cycle cost. Taking an in-service public transportation charging station in Beijing as an example, the validity of the proposed allocation method is verified, and the impact of photovoltaic residual feed-in, public transportation charging strategy, grid electricity price, and battery purchase price on the operating economy of charging station allocated with energy storage is quantitatively evaluated.
Key words:  public transportation photovoltaic charging station  energy storage allocation  commuter demand  distribution capacity  economy

