DUANMU Chenrui,SHI Linjun,JIAN Deping,DING Renshan,WU Feng,LI Yang.Optimization of energy storage capacity allocation in multi-time scales cascaded hydro-wind-solar base[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):173-179
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端木陈睿1, 史林军1, 蹇德平2, 丁仁山2, 吴峰1, 李杨1
1.河海大学 电气与动力工程学院,江苏 南京 211100;2.雅砻江流域水电开发有限公司,四川 成都 610051
关键词:  电池储能  梯级水电  联合发电  遗传算法  容量配置  分组控制
Optimization of energy storage capacity allocation in multi-time scales cascaded hydro-wind-solar base
DUANMU Chenrui1, SHI Linjun1, JIAN Deping2, DING Renshan2, WU Feng1, LI Yang1
1.School of Electrical and Power Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China;2.Yalong River Basin Hydropower Development Co.,Chengdu 610051, China
Clean energy base containing a high proportion of wind and solar power generation is an effective way to carbon neutrality, but the stochasticity and volatility of wind and solar power generation have serious influence on the security and stability of the grid. Therefore, a multi-time scales nested method for optimizing the allocation of energy storage capacity of clean energy base considering hydro-wind-solar complementation and battery grouping operation is proposed. Batteries are added to a clean energy base with cascaded hydro-wind-solar, and its three-group charge-discharge control operation strategy is investigated. A multi-time scales nested two-layer energy storage capacity allocation optimization model considering hydro-wind-solar complementarity is constructed, in which the inner layer takes advantage of the hydro-wind-solar complementarity to suppress large fluctuations of wind-photovoltaic output in large time scale and the outer layer takes into account the attenuation degree factor to optimize the energy storage in order to suppress small fluctuations of wind-photovoltaic output in small time scale. An example analysis shows that the proposed model can make full use of the complementary advantages of flexible hydropower regulation and fast response batteries to effectively smooth the power fluctuations of clean energy base and verifies the effectiveness of the proposed three-battery grouping strategy in cost saving and loss mitigation.
Key words:  battery storage  cascading hydropower  combined power generation  genetic algorithms  capacity configuration  grouping control

