ZHANG Jing,LI Yong,CAO Yijia,LIN Jinjie,HU Sijia,ZHANG Zhiwen.Optimal configuration approach of PV-ESS for integrated energy system considering demand-side management and carbon emission[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):189-197
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张靖, 李勇, 曹一家, 林锦杰, 胡斯佳, 张志文
湖南大学 电气与信息工程学院,湖南 长沙 410082
关键词:  综合能源系统  光-储设备  优化配置  需求侧管理  奖惩阶梯型碳交易机制  低碳经济优化运行
Optimal configuration approach of PV-ESS for integrated energy system considering demand-side management and carbon emission
ZHANG Jing, LI Yong, CAO Yijia, LIN Jinjie, HU Sijia, ZHANG Zhiwen
College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
The low carbon and economic operation level of integrated energy system(IES) can be effectively improved through reasonable adjustment of IES configuration structure. Therefore, an optimal configuration approach of photovoltaic-energy storage systems(PV-ESS) for IES considering demand side management and carbon emissions is proposed. Based on the topology of the typical IES and the working mechanisms of energy-supply equipment, a cold-heat-electricity-gas energy flow model is established. According to the characteristics of different flexible loads, the evaluation indexes of their usage experience are constructed from different dimensions, and a demand-side energy management strategy that takes into account the comprehensive satisfaction of users is presented. On this basis, in order to further enhance the low-carbon performance of IES, a reward and punishment ladder-type carbon trading mechanism considering the carbon emissions of the whole life cycle is designed. Subsequently, under the premise of considering demand-side management and carbon trading mechanism, an optimal configuration model of PV-ESS, whose goal is maximizing the total returns created during the whole life cycle of the equipment, is constructed under multi-link synergy of source-grid-load-storage spanning from operation to planning level. A case study based on an actual IES is carried out, the results validate the effectiveness of the proposed method in avoiding redundant device configuration, carbon reduction and economic enhancement.
Key words:  integrated energy system  PV-ESS  optimal configuration  demand-side management  reward and punishment ladder-type carbon trading mechanism  low-carbon and economic optimal operation

