SUN Jian,KE Deping,XU Jian,LIAO Siyang,SUN Yuanzhang.Optimal configuration of electric-heat cooperative independent micro-grid equipment based on accurate heat pump model[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):198-204,213
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孙健, 柯德平, 徐箭, 廖思阳, 孙元章
武汉大学 电气与自动化学院,湖北 武汉 430072
关键词:  微网  低品位热源  热泵  不确定性场景  条件风险价值  设备配置  双层模型
Optimal configuration of electric-heat cooperative independent micro-grid equipment based on accurate heat pump model
SUN Jian, KE Deping, XU Jian, LIAO Siyang, SUN Yuanzhang
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
In order to realize the collaborative energy supply in the region which contains rich industrial waste heat, data center waste heat, domestic sewage waste heat and other low-grade heat sources, and improve the utilization efficiency of regional clean energy, the equipment optimal configuration strategy of regional independent micro-grid energy system is studied. Based on the temperature characteristics of various low-grade heat sources, a multi-parameter fitting model for essential heat pump equipment which can improve the temperature grade of heat sources is proposed, and the error uncertainty scenario of fitting heat pump model is generated. Considering the risk of heating comfort, load cutting and photovoltaic cutting in actual operation scenario, a two-layer capacity optimization model for independent micro-grid equipment based on conditional value at risk(CVaR) theory is proposed, in which, the upper model optimizes the equipment configuration based on the annual cost of the whole life cycle and annual CVaR value, while the lower model optimizes the operating cost based on scenario analysis. The genetic algorithm is used to solve the two-layer model. The case study results show that considering the error of heat pump model can effectively reduce the system operating risk, and the recovery and utilization of low-grade heat source has great economic potential.
Key words:  micro-grid  low-grade heat  heat pump  uncertainty scenario  conditional value at risk  equipment configuration  two-layer model

