LI Yuan,LU Shuai,GU Wei,XU Yijun.Modelling and analysis of carbon emission flow for integrated energy system considering thermal dynamic[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):205-213
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李沅, 陆帅, 顾伟, 徐一骏
东南大学 电气工程学院,江苏 南京 210096
关键词:  综合能源系统  碳排放流  电力网络  热动态网络  低碳转型
Modelling and analysis of carbon emission flow for integrated energy system considering thermal dynamic
LI Yuan, LU Shuai, GU Wei, XU Yijun
School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
In the context of low-carbon transformation of power system, the traditional source-side carbon emission control can hardly meet the demand for fair sharing of carbon emission responsibility. There is an urgent need to track the carbon emission flow of multi-energy networks and clarify the source-grid-load carbon emission responsibility. On this basis, a quasi-dynamic carbon flow model of heat network is proposed, and the carbon flow of integrated energy system(IES) is modeled and analyzed. The pipeline calculation model of static carbon flow for heat network is introduced. Then, the dynamic characteristics of heat network pipelines are described in terms of heat loss and heat delay. On this basis, the impacts of thermal dynamic characteristics on the distribution of carbon flow in pipelines and nodes under two cases are carved by introducing pipeline energy storage variables. Furthermore, the calculation method of carbon potential for combined heat and power unit and the calculation method of average carbon potential of energy storage devices at each moment are both proposed, and the joint analysis method of carbon flow for power and heat networks is summarized. The carbon flow distribution results of IES under static and quasi-dynamic heat network models are analyzed through case study, and the effects of load thermal inertia and unit carbon potential on the carbon flow distribution are also considered.
Key words:  integrated energy system  carbon emission flow  power network  thermal dynamic network  low-carbon transformation

