LIU Yang,XIE Pingping,HUANG Bingkai,CHEN Yue,HU Qianwen,WU Guobing,LI Gengfeng.Robust planning of multi-feeder-sharing energy storage based on E-SOP[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):238-245
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刘洋1, 谢平平1, 黄炳开2, 陈玥1, 胡骞文2, 吴国炳1, 李更丰2
1.广东电网有限责任公司电力调度控制中心,广东 广州 510030;2.西安交通大学 电工材料电气绝缘全国重点实验室,陕西 西安 710049
通过固定位置接入的储能,空间调节能力受到限制,难以应对配电网不同馈线上出现的灵活性不足问题。为此,可以将储能接入智能软开关(SOP)的直流端口,形成基于智能储能软开关(E-SOP)的多馈线共享储能,实现储能功率在不同馈线间的灵活转供。建立了一种多馈线共享储能多目标双层鲁棒规划配置模型。该模型采用多面体不确定性区间刻画随机性源-荷的功率波动范围;规划层确定多馈线共享储能的配置方案,运行层以新能源消纳、网损降低、功率支撑以及电压治理等综合目标最优,确定“最恶劣”场景下的最优运行方式。随后,采用对偶法和列与约束生成算法(C&CG)完成模型求解。通过IEEE 33节点系统进行算例分析与对比验证,结果表明多馈线共享储能可有效提升储能利用率,改善配电网运行灵活性。
关键词:  储能配置  共享储能  智能软开关  鲁棒性规划  不确定性
Robust planning of multi-feeder-sharing energy storage based on E-SOP
LIU Yang1, XIE Pingping1, HUANG Bingkai2, CHEN Yue1, HU Qianwen2, WU Guobing1, LI Gengfeng2
1.Power Dispatching and Control Center of Guangdong Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510030, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
It is limited for the spatial adjustment ability of an energy storage system(ESS) with fixed location access, posing challenges in dealing with the lack of flexibility on other feeders of distributed network. To overcome this limitation, the ESS can be connected to the DC port of the soft open point(SOP),forming a multi-feeder-sharing ESS based on the soft open point integrated with ESS(E-SOP),which can flexibly trans-fer the power of ESS between different feeders. Consequently, a multi-objective two-layer robust planning configuration model is established for multi-feeder-sharing ESS. The polyhedral uncertainty interval is adopted in the proposed model to describe the power fluctuation range of stochastic sources and loads. The planning layer determines the configuration scheme for multi-feeder-sharing ESS, while the operational layer achieves comprehensive objectives, which includes the considerations of renewable energy consumption, network loss reduction, power support and voltage management, and the optimal operation method is determined under the worst scenario. Subsequently, the dual method and column and constraint generation algorithm(C&CG) are used to solve the model. Finally, the IEEE 33-bus system is used for example analysis and comparative verification, and the results show that multi-feeder-sharing energy storage can effectively improve the energy storage utilization rate and the operational flexibility of the distribution network.
Key words:  energy storage allocation  sharing energy storage  soft open point  robust planning  uncertainty

